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Thames & Kosmos Science Kits

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Thames and Kosmos Fuel Cell X7 Kit
Thames and Kosmos Fuel Cell X7 Kit

• Build a car that runs on water
• Green energy
• Great science project
• Discover how fuel cells work
• Learn about the potential alternative energies for automobiles

This kit still has our award-winning model car with its unique reversible fuel cell not found in other fuel cell car models. The car still functions in the same manner as described on the opposite page. In this version, we have altered the kit to make it accessible to more users, both in terms of content and price. We have created a new manual focused more on building and designing a fuel cell car, rather than the comprehensive lesson on the science of fuel cells and solar cells found in the first version. We have lowered the minimum age and geared the instructions to a younger audience. The kit has been optimized for simplicity and ease of use over thorough experimentation. With its new focus, some parts have become unnecessary and thusly have been removed to reduce the cost. The kit that is right for you or your child will depend on your needs, interest level, and age group. The full-color, 16-page manual contains easy, step-by-step instructions for assembling and using the car, as well as scientific explanations. This kit allows kids to assemble a working fuel cell car, discover how fuel cells work, use a unique reversible fuel cell, learn about the potential alternative energies for automobiles, design your own fuel cell car. Ages 10 and up.

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$90 Each $149.95 Each